Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > spiritual fellowship with spirit > Page 5


Spirit with Spirit ~ communion at a distance

the deeper sharing

Page 5

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We would be wise with whom to share of such times of sensed connection, as many persons cannot relate to what is here written and many do not believe this possible, as they are materialist. Yet, we need not be surprised that as we draw closer, or better, or drawn closer to Grace, to Spirit, the capacities of spirit will come forth and express. Included in this is connection across time and space, for spirit is free of both.

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We receive this connection as a gift witnessing to the underlying connection that never ceases, which makes possible times of sensed connection. And we cannot maintain this sensed connection, as these moments come spontaneously and leave. We cherish them, holding the sense close, but not clinging, letting the sense leave when it leaves.

Only in spirit, indeed, can we have spiritual communion. We can be among others person to person, and this itself is a blessing. Yet, there is a deeper sharing, a communion happening, potential for us. The sacred joining with others occurs only spirit with spirit, and for those who trust we are part of a larger Whole, Spirit, the one spirit is an expression of the one Spirit.

Still, we are left with a mystery. Partly, for in oneness can one rightly speak of spirit and Spirit? So, we can relax our felt-need to name and understand, and simply receive the communion of Grace with gratitude and be receptive to seeing that of the Light in everyone we meet.

Ah, spring time at Lake Louise

*John McRae. Ah, spring time at Lake Louise. Flickr

*Move cursor over photographs for photographer and title.

*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > spiritual fellowship with spirit > Page 5

©Brian Wilcox 2024